How to prepare for a marathon

No one runs a marathon overnight. That’s why it’s so important to know perfectly how to prepare for a marathon.Here are some tips to get you started.
Physical Preparation – How to Prepare for a Marathon?
When they talk about a marathon, specific and daily workouts immediately come to mind.As I mentioned above, ideally you should prepare at least a year and a half in advance to get the best results.Start training 3 to 5 times a week for at least 5 km.If you are a beginner, it is ideal to prepare your body physically and then devote yourself to specific marathon training.The planning should be prepared by a trainer who will put the following information into the training periodization:
- Run at least 3 times a week from 5 to 14 km;
- Gradually increase the distance weekly;
- Do long runs this year, especially on weekends because of weather conditions, reaching at least 32 km;
- Repeat the number of kilometers run every 15 days;
- Remembering of course to strengthen your body in between running mainly your legs and abdominal area, include stretching and developmental running.

1) Start small.
To learn how to prepare for a marathon, you must recognize that it is important to start small .This is because it is extremely important that you build a consistent training foundation.
So run 5k and 10k shorter runs, as well as half marathons.This is a great way to prepare for a marathon both physically and mentally.
It will also help you get to know yourself and your limits better .In addition to building a consistent foundation.
2) Train your mind.
PE teacher Enzo Amato gives some tips on mental preparation for long tests.Pushing away negative thoughts and focusing on your strengths is one of them , watch the video below :
3) Choose your accessories carefully
In addition to the basic rule for any distance run, which is not to test anything new on the day of the race for a marathon, this tip should be emphasized even more.
Choose the best shoes for marathon running , for example, and don’t skimp.Well, and if something bothers you even a little bit during training, it will become much more at 42 km .The same goes for shorts, tops, shirts.
Remember, you’ll be running for hours and you don’t want to stop for silly problems that could have been avoided.
4) Choose a workout sheet.
It’s important to plan what the workouts will be, how they will run, and what days of the week they will be spread out.
By keeping the amount of training per week and gradually increasing it, you can get better results.To have a spreadsheet, you can:
Hire a trainer to turn in a spreadsheet online;Join a running consultation to have more company for training and personal coach supervision; You can download the spreadsheet from websites that make it available for free.
Generally speaking, don’t forget to include long workouts on weekends, and your peak workout should be between 30 and 32 km.
Read also : How to prepare for a marathon: 11 tips you need to know
5) Do cross-training and rest
Another important tip on how to prepare for a marathon is to incorporate cross training into your training plans.Ideally, such as on your running days, when you’re training with weights.
Strengthening your muscles will help you run better and avoid injuries .Doing core exercises is also a great option.
Also set aside a day for rest and a good night’s sleep.Remember that rest is also part of the workout.
6) Eat well.
During training weeks it is very important to eat a healthy diet , as this will contribute to your training results . In the days leading up to a marathon, you should already increase your carbohydrate intake to provide extra energy. During the race, it is important to take something easily digestible with you. Carbohydrate gels are great, and some runners even use raisins, raisins and other foods as supplements. But with this type of food, it’s important to train with them to adapt well to being used in the dough. This ensures that your body gets used to them and does not give you any surprises.
7) Choose a nice proof.
Imagine that someone starting to run a marathon will probably run 3 hours 30 minutes ~ 4 hours, this can vary up or down.
Either way, that’s a lot of hours on the road.So, another tip on how to prepare for a marathon is to choose an international marathon as your first marathon .
There are wonderful marathons all over the world specializing in races outside of Brazil.For 30 years he has planned every detail of several runners’ dreams.
The marathon and its possible risks
Cramps due to lack of stretching and lack of fruit or potassium supplements;The presence of certain injuries, such as tendonitis, sprains or even the famous shin splint;Dehydration due to lack of water or even energy drinks during the race;Since this is a high-impact test requiring considerable effort, it may cause vomiting or nausea.